New Frames
        Wayne Dyer once said "Change The Way You Look At Things And The Things You Look At Change"
Many fields use systems designed to help with this kind of change. Some are as all-encompassing as realigning a fearful worldview in order to fully participate in life, and others are very focussed, such as the habitual user of tobacco reframing self as a non-smoker to facilitate cessation.
When I was training as a Labyrinth Facilitator, Rev. Dr. Lauren Artress spoke of walking the labyrinth with ‘soft eyes’. This allows for seeing differently. The object of notice is softened, and the viewer finds no edge to judge. Openness follows, and willingness to see what is present before categorizing or weighing its correctness. 

This is an example of reframing, and I have found that each labyrinth walk includes an opportunity to shift how we see and how we respond to what we see. It is possible to walk with an intention to reframe.
Imagine preparing to walk a labyrinth in the outdoors: a landscape path which, for the sake of argument, is oriented eastward. 

The human eye and perception being what they are, the walker is aware of a vast dome of visual stimuli, even without turning to examine the other directions. 
Commencing the walk leads, very soon, to a curve in the path. This moves the walker to a different view, maybe a new vista, certainly seeing the area from a new angle.  When paying attention to this, there is a broader understanding of the hinterland.
As the walk continues through a long and gentle sweep, the things that come into focus shift and change, and before long, the path turns westward,  revealing the other side of the original information. 
New perspectives are offered with each step. Sometimes from sweeping curves and other times when the walker is made to almost stop in order to swivel through 180 degrees, almost backtracking. 
As the walk progresses, each vista, each view from each point of the compass is repeated, except differently. At one point nearer the centre peering Northwards, at another time observing from the outer edge of the labyrinth, and holding the winding path in the forefront of vision. 
The path may lead to the periphery, an edge with the path behind and no barrier, or impediment to simply stepping out and being in that landscape.

The view south might look to a central marker,  while from other angles all is uninterrupted and unencumbered.
The land does not change, yet with each step on the path a new picture of the world that is presented. Novel images add to the experience of the walk and understanding of the place is expanded and deepened.
Is focus drawn to the wild flowers? Did a bird catch the attention? Is that cloud the shape of something recognizable?
With each circuit the flowers, birds, and clouds continue on their own paths:  no amount of standing still or looking back can recreate the first view.
The labyrinth as a metaphor for life is far from new, we know that life requires us to change and reframe at every turn. The public health crisis of the last year has been an opportunity for us to look around in ways that were not available before.
‘Seeing through different eyes’ or ‘placing the view into a new frame’  are phrases that can help us to discuss hard-to-define outcomes of personal work.

Restrictions in movement and social life allow for more introspection and offer a chance to reframe our self image. Numerology can offer deep insights, uncovering talents that have been ignored, and bringing self-understanding into a new frame.
            Numerology can bring clarity even in these chaotic and confusing times. You can book a single session, or sign up for a series of increasingly detailed sessions
            I can meet with you in FaceTime, FaceBookVideo, Zoom or on the telephone. start the process by getting in touch here.
           Check out my FaceBook Live on Friday at 2 p.m. Eastern on the Exploring Paths to Cosmic Wisdom FaceBook Page