Showing Tag: "numerology" (Show all posts)

2022 January

Posted by Jo Leath on Thursday, December 30, 2021, In : Numerology 
2022 January

     2022 is a year of Six energy**. Six is the energy of service, progress and beauty, and this year it is made up entirely of Twos, which carry the energy of personal interactions.
There is a great deal to unpack about a Number as particular as 2022, and as the year progresses, I will be writing about i a great deal.
I have often said that we each have a primary relationship with the person in the mirror, and it is vital to get right with that relationship if any others are to h...

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Looking Forward to 2022

Posted by Jo Leath on Saturday, December 11, 2021, In : Numerology 
Looking Forward

Looking Forward to New Year 2022 there are two energies that are predominant. Understanding them will help each of us to navigate our path forward.

In Numerology, the digits are always added together until only one remains, and as a result, 2022 is a year vibrating with the Number Six. 
Keywords for the Number Six are Service, Truth, and Justice, all suggesting the best of activities that people are working towards, for their families, communities and the environment. This is ...

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2021 December

Posted by Jo Leath on Tuesday, November 30, 2021, In : Numerology 

2021 December

      The Five Energy of 2021** is greatly enhanced by the Numbers for December.
      The One and Two of the Twelfth month add to Three, which is the point of inspiration. This is the place where the Cosmos can flow all things into the human realm. 
        Three is how new ideas arrive, and solutions to problems, and startling flashes of understanding. Three brings the light of wisdom to the darkness of not knowing. 

*** To calculate your Personal Year Number for 2021, see belo...

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2021 October

Posted by Jo Leath on Thursday, September 30, 2021, In : Numerology 
2021 October

     While the Five Energy of 2021** remains the predominant vibration in our lives, October will introduce a small taste of what is ahead in 2022.
Within the time of progressive Five, October adds emphasis on community, and the ways in which the actions we choose now will improve our broader world moving forward. 

*** To calculate your Personal Year Number for 2021 see below 

     This is my Nine Personal Year and October is filled with energies that will move me in a new direction...

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2021 September

Posted by Jo Leath on Monday, August 30, 2021, In : Numerology 
2021 September

     The Five Energy of 2021** becomes profound during September. In the Ninth month of the year, we have thirty days resonating with strong Five energy. As we reach some completions and closures, we see how Progress, Change and Growth are the watchwords for this time in our lives.  

*** To calculate your Personal Year Number for 2021 see below 
    This is my Nine Personal Year and September allows many expanding aspects of my work to draw to a close. This is a good time to ...

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2021 August

Posted by Jo Leath on Saturday, July 31, 2021, In : Numerology 
2021 August

     The Five Energy of 2021** continues to encourage growth and expansion, giving everyone new reasons to adapt and adjust to changed circumstances.   
August adds balance, as this new way of conducting ourselves becomes the easiest and safest way to be. 
This is a time to slow down and observe the world. Examine how well you are coping, and get clear about where you need some support. It is there, ask for it! People who work in the Helping Professions have dedicated their lives t...

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2021 July

Posted by Jo Leath on Thursday, July 1, 2021, In : Numerology 
2021 July

July is the Seventh month in a Five year, and it carries a Three energy. It is a time when intuition will be strong, and we should all pay attention to those hunches and yearnings that want to move us toward the growth and expansion that 2021 is all about.

*** To calculate your Personal Year Number for 2021 see below 

This is my Nine Personal Year and July will bring me teachings. The growth and expansion of 2021’s energy makes room for multiple options and potential direction...

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2021 June

Posted by Jo Leath on Sunday, May 30, 2021, In : Numerology 
2021 June

The Five Energy of 2021** is enriched by June’s Six, combining into a complex vibration where relationships are at their most influential when they involve self-aware people who take responsibility for their lives.

*** To calculate your Personal Year Number for 2021 see below 

This is my Nine Personal Year and June presents me with expanded community possibilities. For some this will include a return to in-person activities, for me and many others, there is the ongoing development of...

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2021 May

Posted by Jo Leath on Friday, April 30, 2021, In : Numerology 
2021 May

     The Five Energy of 2021** is magnified by the energy of the Fifth month.  Five is the Number of change and adaptation, which are certainly present in 2021 so far. During May there will be new adjustments to make, new systems and methods being initiated to keep our activities safe. To ensure everybody’s continued health and safety there will also be new frameworks to work within. 

*** To calculate your Personal Year Number for 2021 see below 

This is my Nine Personal Year and May...

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2021 April

Posted by Jo Leath on Tuesday, March 30, 2021, In : Numerology 
2021 April 

     The Five Energy of 2021**  joins with the Four Energy of April to fetch in frequencies of wholeness and completion in the physical realm.
Four and Five together intensify the focus on the physical world we see and feel and building.
*** To calculate your Personal Year Number for 2021 see below 

This is my Nine Personal Year and April will require tending to details and being sensible. I have many irons in the fire this Five year, some of them can be completed, removed, which A...

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The Threes of March

Posted by Jo Leath on Saturday, March 20, 2021, In : Numerology 
The Threes of March

As the third month of the year, March is a time when Three Energy can be called into ur individual lives. Three supports novelty and originality which allows us to be creative in whichever field we are working.
Three represents some of the activities of March, perhaps the most obvious being the three-leafed plants like clover and shamrock which decorate St Patrick’s Day on the seventeenth.
This March I have had additional Threes making themselves noticeable in my life. 

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2021 March

Posted by Jo Leath on Sunday, February 28, 2021, In : Numerology 
2021 March

     The Five Energy of 2021** supports growth and progress. The Three of the third month brings inspiration and creativity. The combination of these vibrations together suggests that March will be a time for new ideas and exciting solutions to the new problems that have become part of life.     

*** To calculate your Personal Year Number for 2021 see below 
This is my Nine Personal Year and March is filled with inspirational energy for me. When I align myself and listen to my own wi...

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2020 December

Posted by Jo Leath on Monday, November 30, 2020, In : Numerology 
2020 December

The Four Energy of 2020** is energized by the Three Energy of December, bringing the Teacher Energy of Seven to the month.
As the year is ending, this is a perfect time to look back and see how much we have learnt in 2020, and how many of the teachings will stay with us for the future.
Meanwhile, the lessons of December will shape how we move into the expansive Five Energy of the New Year. We each have specific directions to move, with clues given in the Numbers that apply to us...

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2020 November

Posted by Jo Leath on Saturday, October 31, 2020, In : Numerology 
2020 November

With a cycle of nine numbers and year of twelve months, there is a special little hop and skip that happens after September. 
The Four Energy of 2020** is complemented by the Two Energy of November. Cosmic wisdom expresses support in areas of responsibility and service this month, support which will repeat in January.
This means there is an opportunity for testing and sampling at the end of the year, with a little repeat in the timeline to allow for refining and maturing whateve...

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2020 October

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, September 30, 2020, In : Numerology 
2020 October

The Four Energy of 2020** is complemented by One Energy in October. 
One lives on the Mental Plane and shifts the Physical Four out of its basic solidity, by adding original thought, imagination and visualization. 
This addition leads the reliable Four towards the physical Five where we see a month of adapting and changing, we will be adjusting to the new circumstances in which we find ourselves, and also choosing which ideas appeal to us as we plan and visualize our own futures,...

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2020 September

Posted by Jo Leath on Sunday, August 30, 2020, In : Numerology 

2020 September

     The Four Energy of 2020** is greatly amplified during September. As the Ninth month, September adds with the Four of the year, creating a Thirteen. Adding the One and Three together we arrive at Four, once more.
     The month is set to lead us into additional building, securing the foundations on which to build the future. As the Nine concludes cycle, there will be endings and completions, which will leave space for even more foundations, and the plans to construct somethin...

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2020 August

Posted by Jo Leath on Saturday, August 1, 2020, In : Numerology 
2020 August 

The Four Energy of 2020** is blended with the Eight energy of August, and during the next month there will be many creative ideas, inspired solutions to the problems currently emerging, and an ability to rise to the challenges of the times.

*** To calculate your Personal Year Number for 2020 see below 

This is my Eight Personal Year, and this month I am ready to learn from the flow of Cosmic information ad wisdom that is active in my personal vibration and making itself available t...

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2020 July

Posted by Jo Leath on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, In : Numerology 
2020 July

The Four Energy of 2020** combines with the Seven vibrating for July, and gives us both Eleven and Two.
Eleven carries frequencies of empathy and intuition, while the Two is always about relationship at some level. This opens the door to each of connecting mindfully to other people and acknowledging their reality while remaining centre within our own.
*** To calculate your Personal Year Number for 2020 see below 

This is my Eight Personal Year, and in July I will be hearing the call...

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2020 June

Posted by Jo Leath on Sunday, May 31, 2020, In : Numerology 
2020 June 

    The Four Energy of 2020** continues the vibration that calls us to build a new, firm base on which the future can rest.  The added energy of June moves us into thirty days when New Beginnings are offered to us.
   I think it is fair to say that there are more new ideas and new directions to explore than there were in the past. June lets us take the time to examine and compare, and even to invent new systems and processes which will serve us as we go forward.

*** To calculate your ...

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New Ways of Being

Posted by Jo Leath on Sunday, May 10, 2020, In : Numerology 
New Ways of Being

In May 2020 the shape of life is so far out of the ordinary as to be unrecognizable.  
As some people juggle isolation and working from home, others are out in the world, doing essential jobs while maintaining physical distance from others who are doing the same.
This is new for everyone. We are all finding our way on an unfamiliar journey, without knowing  exactly where we are headed, or when we will get there.
This makes a space for both stress, and for freedom. Finding and hi...

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2020 May

Posted by Jo Leath on Friday, May 1, 2020, In : Numerology 
2020 May

     The Four Energy of 2020** continues to support us as we lay the base for the future. The month of May delivers an energy of adaptation, adjustment and expansion. Whatever it is that proliferates from that new foundation will sweep away the debris of what went before.  We are all going to experience a lot of completions and witness many conclusions.

*** To calculate your Personal Year Number for 2020 see below 
2020 is my Eight Personal Year and May will support work that is focuss...

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2020 April

Posted by Jo Leath on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, In : Numerology 
2020 April

The Four Energy of 2020** is amplified by the vibration of April as the fourth month.
The stolid foundational Four Energy is allowing us to create the base on which to build the future. 
It is much changed from what has gone before, and we can take inspiration from some of the innovative thinking that came to light during the Creative Three energy of 2019.

*** To calculate your Personal Year Number for 2020 see below 
This is my Eight Personal Year, and April will provide me with new in...

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What is it for?

Posted by Jo Leath on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, In : Numerology 
Numerology: What is it for?

Numerology first came into my life in 1983, and it has been a presence ever since. Most of my clients are looking for some self-knowledge or are working on becoming fully authentic in their human experience, over the years, I have also been asked to explore other uses for Numbers.
I rarely talk or write about these other aspects, although some of them are, in fact, frequently in front of me as I provide clients with the information they seek.
The idea that some day...

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2020 February

Posted by Jo Leath on Thursday, January 30, 2020, In : Numerology 
2020 February

The Four Energy of 2020** is 
February’s Two energy adds intensification to the two Twos in the year, and brings new relationships which will form the very bedrock of our personal futures.  

*** To calculate your Personal Year Number for 2019 see below 

This is my Eight Personal Year. February sees me moving into the space that opened up with the accomplishments of January. I am surrounded by potential directions and I am free to choose which new beginnings serve me the best.

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2019 December

Posted by Jo Leath on Saturday, November 30, 2019, In : Numerology 
2019 December

The Three Energy of 2019** is intensified by the Three Energy of December. We are concluding a decade that has had a One in each year, we who were born in a century with One energy have been granted time to get comfortable with the new emphasis away from individuality and towards community.    
*** To calculate your Personal Year Number for 2019 see below 
2019 has been my Seven Personal Year and in the final month I will be anticipating my potential accomplishments during 2020. ...

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Changing Energy in 2020

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, November 20, 2019, In : Numerology 
Changing Energy in 2020

     Just as the energetic signature of the population began to change in the year 1000, so there was a Shift in 2000. 
      Twenty years into this new vibration, we are able to grasp some of the changes that are happening in and around our personal lives, and this coming New Year is a splendid time to examine the details of our own energy.
     This special offer is available for only the first twenty weeks of 2020, and yet the insights and understanding you will gain w...

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2019 November

Posted by Jo Leath on Thursday, October 31, 2019, In : Numerology 
2019 November

The Three Energy of 2019** is an energy of inspiration and creation. New information has surrounded us all year, and we are each processing it into our own lives.
How we integrate the changes in the world now will matter to the future. We are in that wonderful time at year-end, when the Number Frequencies make a little hop and skip, so that  November’s dominant energy will repeat in January. What we do now gives us a head start on what comes later, and also allows for a time t...

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2019 September

Posted by Jo Leath on Friday, August 30, 2019, In : Numerology 
2019 September

The energy of September intensifies what is going on throughout 2019.
Whichever Number vibration has been present for you throughout the year, and is guiding you towards your intentions, it will be stronger and more insistent in September.
If you are resisting the path your soul is here to take, you will feel negative emotions.

*** To calculate your Personal Year Number for 2019 see below 

2019 is my Seven Personal Year, and Teacher energy will be strong this coming month. September...

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2019 August

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, July 31, 2019, In : Numerology 
2019 August

The Three Energy of 2019** combines with August to move us all into new ways of being in community. 
We may find new friends, or move ourselves into new circles of people. Our workplaces might assign different individuals to work with us. 
However the changes come about, we will be able to learn about ourselves and how we relate to others.

*** To calculate your Personal Year Number for 2019 see below 

This is my Seven Personal Year and August will add to the growth of July and perm...

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Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, July 10, 2019, In : Energy Fields 

Forgetting is many things, and nothing at all.
Forgetting can seem to be the opposite of mindfulness and presence. Most readers will recognize that they have performed activities without being fully involved in them, realizing later that there is no memory of washing the dishes or driving a familiar route to work.
For me, this kind of forgetting is a reminder. When I become aware of the gap between my actions and my attention, I feel a call to return to deliberate presence. Being ...

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2019 July

Posted by Jo Leath on Monday, July 1, 2019, In : Numerology 
2019 July

The Three Energy of 2019** combines with the vibrations of July to bring a month of fresh ideas and innovative thinking. 
*** To calculate your Personal Year Number for 2019 see below 

     This is my Seven Personal Year and there will be many changes in July, some of them life-changes. I will need to adapt to new conditions, and be aware that the teachings of Seven will echo through the new circumstances.  
     In an Eight Personal Year there are opportunities for balance and July wil...

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2019 May

Posted by Jo Leath on Thursday, May 2, 2019, In : Numerology 
2019 May

        The Three Energy of 2019** continues, ushering new ideas and new concepts into our consciousness everyday, during May the connexions between the old and the new will become apparent. 

*** To calculate your Personal Year Number for 2019 see below 

2019 is my Seven Personal Year and imaginative, creative energy surrounds me. While the year is bringing me experiences of personal growth, May is providing me with tools to maximize the opportunities. Benefit flows when the work is ou...

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2019 April

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, April 3, 2019, In : Numerology 
2019 April

2019 carries Three Energy** and April adds a very practical dimension to the creative thoughts and activities which are filling our days. If your imagination has been speculating and considering ideas and concepts that seem a little too far outside-the-box, April is the time to bring them to light.

*** To calculate your Personal Year Number for 2019 see below 

This is my Seven Personal Year and the lessons offered are likely to include dealing with new people during this month. Ther...

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2019 March

Posted by Jo Leath on Monday, March 4, 2019, In : Numerology 
2019 March

The Three Energy of 2019** is magnified by the frequencies of this third month. 
Three is often a portal for the Cosmos, and all manner of new ideas can manifest in our awareness during this time.

*** To calculate your Personal Year Number for 2019 see below 

This is my Seven Personal Year. During March I will be launching into new activities, or new phases of ongoing projects. Being aware of my identity and my path, March requires me to remain centred, and to serve my destiny.

In an Ei...

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Posted by Jo Leath on Saturday, December 1, 2018, In : Numerology 

The Numbers for the coming month are a peek into the vibrations of 2019.  This is a time for preparation, for trial runs, colouring outside conventions, and building prototypes. 
As we conclude the Two energy of 2018, we can no doubt identify the changes in relationships that have occurred in our homes, offices, towns and the international community. The way we relate to others, and the others to whom we relate, are very different now than they were a year ago.
Building on the new wa...

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Posted by Jo Leath on Monday, October 1, 2018, In : Numerology 


    The store displays are already filling with the October accessories for Hallowe’en, and in some cases even with Christmas supplies. Getting caught up in the excitement and planning for these festivals can divert us from living each day to the fullest. It is not difficult to stay connected to the richness of the Here and Now when we put a plan in place: a daily meditation or mindfulness practice can keep us from being swept up in mindless activity.

**To calculate the Number for you...

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Posted by Jo Leath on Friday, September 21, 2018, In : Numerology 
Remember to Turn on the Light
Numerology is an ancient system which remains relevant and useful today. It provides an interpretation of the intentions that the immortal soul has carried into this Human experience.
Using a person’s birthdate and name, a chart can identify the Cosmic energies and influences that are presently influencing life.  
A basic chart, drawn up quickly, can reveal four major Numbers which have a vital role in shaping experiences and how they impact the individual.


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Posted by Jo Leath on Monday, July 30, 2018, In : Numerology 

August 2018 brings a Numerological new beginning. No matter where you are, you can still grab at new ideas, explore how concepts can be expanded in new ways.
Innovate! Originate! Ready ... Set  ... Go!


    Personal Years
To calculate the Number for your Personal Year, see the examples below. ***

      I am in a Six Personal Year. August offers multiple potential directions to help me move towards my goals. It is important for me to rein in impulsiveness, and to pause before rushing fo...

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Posted by Jo Leath on Saturday, June 30, 2018, In : Numerology 

   My July begins with Canadian celebrations of Canada Day and Newfoundland and Labrador marking the anniversary of the 1916 Battle of Beaumont Hamel. 

    As this Two Year ** continues, July brings Cosmic energies that will help us conclude some of the work that is underway.
     For some, that may mean completion of long-term commitments, for others it may be a time of realizing that they are heading in the wrong direction, and need to re-think and re-evaluate their plans.
    The frequen...

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Posted by Jo Leath on Friday, June 1, 2018, In : Numerology 

      This month, I am watching the calendar change from the West coast, where I am visiting in Nanaimo BC. 
     The air is filled with the salt-scent of the sea, and a surprisingly rainless month of May has left many of the lawns and grasses yellow and dry.
     This Two Year ** continues, with unusual relationships, and shifts in relationships happening all around the world. During June we will see the added energy of beauty and service, as we grow more conscious of the interconnectednes...

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Posted by Jo Leath on Thursday, May 10, 2018, In : Numerology 
Permission to Wobble

It is my good fortune to have been working recently with clients who were born in the 1990s.
They have particular Numerological charts, having always at least two Nines in their year, and if born in September, or on a 9th, 19th or 29th,  even more Nines in the grid.
A Number Grid is like a tic-tac-toe frame, with a digit in each of the nine boxes. Beginning at the bottom lift, they move upwards, the way living things grow.

Nine Energy
As the highest of the single digits, Nine ...

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Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, May 2, 2018, In : Numerology 

     Here at the edge of Gatineau Park near Ottawa, Spring has been reluctant, and is arriving slowly and late.
    The greens are still pale and shy, hidden in the crisp dryness of used leaves and stagnant grasses. There are moments, though, when golden light shines, and the new season feels present.
     May has opened before the deepest snow has melted, and we are reminded that what went before is with us yet.

Personal Years
 To calculate the Number for your Personal Year, see the examples ...

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Posted by Jo Leath on Friday, March 30, 2018, In : Numerology 

April sunsets are a little later, here at the edge of Gatineau Park. The ground is a little softer, and people aresaying that they believe in Spring.
The Numerological energies this month add a layer of practicality that lets us make the most of the new relationship that 2018** is bringing to us all.  I have used the phrase ‘unexpected partnerings’ when looking forward to how the year might play out. The last few weeks have offered some startling examples, as survivors of the Pulse ...

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My Favourite Multi-Tool

Posted by Jo Leath on Sunday, March 11, 2018, In : Numerology 
My Favourite Multi-Tool

It won’t surprise any regular readers that Numerology is my favourite thing.
What I may not have written about in the past is how many different ways it can be used, and make life better in multiple arenas.
For Me
I often refer to Numerology as the ideal tool for self knowledge. To have a chart prepared and understand the talents and abilities that you have brought with you, is to permit yourself celebration for all that you have, and forgiveness for any perceived fai...

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Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, February 28, 2018, In : Numerology 
      In this year of Two Energy**, March will provide opportunities for personal growth. We will be able to ‘start over’ if we’re feeling false starts have taken us off course.
Personal Years
 To calculate the Number for your Personal Year, see the examples below.***

    I am currently in a Six Personal Year and March will be a splendid time to conclude some of the work I have been doing. Cosmic Energy will support completion on some fronts, while requiring  cessation of activity on ...

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New Beginnings

Posted by Jo Leath on Tuesday, February 20, 2018, In : Numerology 
New Beginnings

I have written and spoken many times about my introduction to Numerology. 
This is a repost  of Numerology. What is it?
      In the early 1980s I was living in Kamloops, in the semi-arid desert area of British Columbia. One day I was driving from home into the town, listening to a noon-hour radio phone-in show. The studio guest was a Numerologist. Callers were invited to announce their full dates-of-birth, and almost instantly the Numerologist would deliver a short, pointed sen...

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Three Fears, One Chart

Posted by Jo Leath on Saturday, February 10, 2018, In : Numerology 
Three Fears, One Chart

According to Rabbi Michelle Missagieh, all people share three universal fears: that those we love won’t ever really understand us, that we don’t have the ability to make a difference in the world, and that we won’t succeed when we are put to the test.
The opposite of Fear is Love, and as Elisabeth Kübler-Ross says “If we're in fear, we are not in a place of love. When we're in a place of love, we cannot be in a place of fear.” 
It follows, therefore, that whe...

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February, Short and Practical

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, January 31, 2018, In : Numerology 
February: Short and Practical

    Modern Groundhog Day and the Christian celebration of Candlemass occur on the 2nd of February which is the ancient festival of Imbolc, (pronounced I'molg).

     The day is important because it lies at the halfway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, a time when the days are still short, even though they are lengthening. 
     Imbolc is a good time to launch into the practical side of the new year: any resolutions which have survived January ...

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New Year, New Energy

Posted by Jo Leath on Sunday, December 31, 2017, In : Numerology 
New Year, New Energy

     When the numbers on the calendar change, the cosmic frequencies carried by number change as well.
    The shift from a Seven to an Eight in the digits of year moves us past the obstacles that a Seven can carry, and allows us to more easily access the connexions that are supported by the Eight.
     Even more importantly, the number total has advanced from the One of last year to the Two of this. **
     2017 brought many beginnings. There were unprecedented events and oc...

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November Remember

Posted by Jo Leath on Monday, October 30, 2017, In : Numerology 
November Remember

    November arrives with energy that foreshadows the vibration of 2018.
    We are into the part of the year when the nine points of the Number Cycle fit into the twelve months of the calendar by creating a time of preparation, letting us ease into the changed frequency of the New Year. 
    2017 has been a year dominated by the Number One year** - energy of new beginnings, of things being unlike they ever were before. In 2018 we will begin to consolidate the new relationshi...

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The Path which Contains

Posted by Jo Leath on Tuesday, October 10, 2017, In : Numerology 
  The Path which Contains

     For anyone who believes, as I do, in the immortal and eternal nature of the Soul, it is logical to think of a lifetime as a finite event.
       Each of us is living a physical experience which had a beginning and will have an end. All of our activities, relationships, learning and emotional responses will take place inside that enclosed event.
     Each individual human physical life, then, is self contained.
     When I was granted the new Numerology tool the Numb...

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What October Holds

Posted by Jo Leath on Saturday, September 30, 2017, In : Numerology 
What October Holds

    October is arriving with a vibration of One, intensifying the One that the whole year carries. **

Personal Years
 To calculate the Number for your Personal Year, see the examples below.***

     My Five Personal Year brings me an October of responsibilities and a need to buckle down and catch up with tasks I have resisted and delayed so far this year. Procrastination is out and application to working is in front of me. 
     A Six Personal Year includes very Spiritual energ...

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Colour and Structure

Posted by Jo Leath on Monday, August 21, 2017, In : Numerology 
Colour and Structure
         In this time of Shifts and transitions, it can be easy to feel unsettled, adrift. The certainties of our early life have been replaced. Family groups are changed: some members have transitioned away from the physical realm, people have relocated at distance, and so-called traditional households have become a minority. Workplaces have been transformed by technology, and leisure time has been lassoed by a digital tether making demands at no notice and without polite...

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All About August

Posted by Jo Leath on Sunday, July 30, 2017, In : Numerology 
All About August
     The dominant vibration for August is one of balance, symmetry and connexion. In this year of One energy** August offers support for finding closure and completion. This means that Universal forces surround us with harmony and order as we move forward and leave the past behind.

[Picture is a colourful display of numbers at various angles and orientations]
Personal Years
     To calculate the Number for your Personal Year, see the examples below. ***
     My Five Personal Year ...

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Showing Seven

Posted by Jo Leath on Monday, July 10, 2017, In : Numerology 
Showing Seven

    I have a great many conversations with my clients about the eternal nature of the Human Soul. I have lengthy discussions, too, about the role of challenge in life, and the instinct some people have to avoid situations they perceive as difficult. Very often this topic comes up when we are discussing the Numerology of the Number Seven, and the teaching energy that it can unlock.

[Picture shows a rider on horseback clearing a show jump]
    Most people have heard the idea that we...

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The Longest Day

Posted by Jo Leath on Tuesday, June 20, 2017, In : The Miracle of Physical Life 
The Longest Day

    Here on the edge of Gatineau Park in Quebec, mid June is the time of the Summer Solstice: the longest day of the year.
         In the village where I am located, the sun will rise at 5:15 Eastern time on Wednesday, June 21, 2017, and remain until a 20:55 sunset, offering 15 hours and 40 minutes of daylight.
    This will remain constant for a few days, and on the 26th the day will dawn just one minute later, beginning the inevitable shortening of the days that take us towar...

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Exploring Again

Posted by Jo Leath on Monday, April 10, 2017, In : Numerology 
Exploring Again
    I am always happy to meet people who have questions about Numerology. In conversation I get another chance to refine my definitions, and do my best to make the information accessible.
    I run into difficulties when I try to impart all the  learning I have accumulated over more than three decades, and distill it into three minutes.
     It is simply impossible. It is also a motivating push to explore and explain some of the concepts that are most important. I am forever se...

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No Fooling

Posted by Jo Leath on Saturday, April 1, 2017, In : Numerology 
No Fooling

     April is entrenched and surrounded with physical energy. The living layer of the planet is in a time of transition as winter ends in the North and begins in the South. Our human physicality is changing too, as we adjust our activities to the length of the days and the temperature of our neighbourhood. 

Personal Years
 To calculate the Number for your Personal Year, see the examples below.

     I am currently in a Five Personal Year and my April is at the completion of a cycle. I ...

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Celebrate Ruin

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, December 14, 2016, In : Numerology 
Celebrate Ruin

    Elizabeth Gilbert wrote "Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation."
    As this year comes to a close, many systems are in ruins. Recognizing that we are launching a time of transformation might help to calm concerns about the way forward.
    2016 has been a tumultuous year. In Numerology it was a year of Nine Energy, because 2+0+1+6=9. Numerology almost always reduces numbers to a single digit, which means Nine is the highest, the greatest, the one which concludes...

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Leap into February

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, January 27, 2016, In : Numerology 
Leap into February

    The coming month is filled with notable days: Chinese New year; Mardi Gras; Ash Wednesday; Valentine's Day and in the US the 15th marks President's Day.
    February 2nd is the midway point between the winter solstice and the Spring Equinox. It is celebrated as Imbolc: a word that has roots in several areas. Imbolc can be  pronounced IMbowc with an ow sound like cow, or as i-MOLG.
    In the Gaelic world, February 2nd is Brigid's Day, a festival connected to the new growth...

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Happy New Numbers

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, December 30, 2015, In : Numerology 
Happy New Numbers
2016 arrives to insert a Nine vibration into all of our lives. 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 9

    Nine is the point on the Number Cycle where we move towards new beginnings.  Nine helps us to complete work, some of it may be quite new, and some of it may have been with us for nine or eighteen or twenty-seven years!
    With Nine energy it is possible to release stale situations which have been clinging to us, maybe even impeding our progress. Nothing is wasted in the universe. Energy is n...

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Sense and Feeling

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, September 9, 2015, In : The Miracle of Physical Life 
Sense and Feeling

      The human body, although undeniably a physical thing, has a limited range of abilities with which to perceive the  world.
      The planet is populated with diverse creatures which have very different ways of extracting information from the environment. Each species is equipped to receive input from the world in a very specific way.
     Not every sound is audible to all animals. Human hearing detects sounds in the audio or sonic frequencies, typically between 20 Hz and 2...

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The Spirit of July

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, July 1, 2015, In : Numerology 
The Spirit of July

     We remain in a year which resonates with the energy and all the powers of the Number Eight*.
     To find the particular vibration for July, add the position of the month: seven. Eight and Seven add up to fifteen, and the One and Five then total Six to reveal the forces at play.
     This Six-Seven-Eight combination is particularly powerful. The digits themselves represent the Emotional, Spiritual and Mental planes, present with all of us for the next few weeks. The Six ...

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All Life Grows this June

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, May 27, 2015, In : Numerology 
All Life Grows this June

To calculate your Personal Year Number for 2015 see *** below.

     2015 is a year of Eight energy, * and June adds a frequency of Five into each and every day of the month **
     The presence of Five energy calls for us all to change and journey and grow. Every part of the Number cycle is advanced by the energy of Five, which moves us out of a self-focussed time of life and into the broader community.
     My Personal Year is a Three in 2015, and in June I am involved ...

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The Intentional Path: where Numerology meets Labyrinth

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, April 15, 2015, In : Labyrinths 
The Intentional Path: where Numerology meets Labyrinth

     One of my favourite Numerology tools is the Number Grid, and the uses I learnt from my teacher, Julia Line.
     The grid sets out positions for the nine single digits, and allows a clear view of how the component parts of any individual date combine to reveal the energetic profile of that day.
     Creating a Number Grid to experiment with is very simple: create a noughts-and-crosses or tic-tac-toe game frame. This is the design you a...

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March-ing Numbers

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, In : Numerology 
March-ing Numbers

***See how to calculate your Personal Year Number

       2015 vibrates with the energy of the number Eight. This is called the Universal Year number, and it is calculated by adding together all four digits: 2+0+1+5=8.
        The many Eight attributes, including balance and symmetry, are present in all our lives throughout the entire year.  
     Into this year-long vibration, March adds a focus on relationships, and depending on our individual charts and calendars, this will ...

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Numerology for The Conceptual Age

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, February 18, 2015, In : Numerology 
Numerology for The Conceptual Age

     It is not news that I am fascinated and inspired by the Number Cycle and the elegant patterns of Numerology charts. I am also thrilled to have found the book by Daniel H. Pink, A Whole New Mind: Why Right-brainers Will Rule the Future. I have learnt a great deal from Pink’s writing, and I have come to see how very neatly his ideas fit into my Numerology practice in this Conceptual Age.
     Pink names the historical periods of Western society, and the jo...

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Planes of Expression

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, February 11, 2015, In : Energy Fields 
Planes of Expression

     February 14th approaches, and the Western celebration of romantic love is present, many other aspects of love are ignored.
     My teacher Alicia Power works with Spirit Mentors and tutors, and she channels Creative Beings who teach that Love is an electromagnetic force-field. They say that the Human Experience involves learning to maintain a stable wave-form of love while we are part of the Human Collective, here on the Earth.
     When we connect with the truth that ...

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Numerology. What is it?

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, February 4, 2015, In : Numerology 
Numerology. What is it?

     In the early 1980s I was living in Kamloops, in the semi-arid desert area of British Columbia. One day I was driving from home into the town, listening to a noon-hour radio phone-in show. The studio guest was a Numerologist. Callers were invited to announce their full dates-of-birth, and almost instantly the Numerologist would deliver a short, pointed sentence about them.
     “You tend to be a people pleaser”; “You are very shy and empathetic”; “You are o...

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February: Short and Mighty

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, January 28, 2015, In : Numerology 
February: Short and Mighty

     Despite being the shortest month of the year, February contains just as much of everything as any other month, which makes the energy a little denser and more intense.
     In Numerological terms, we are in an Eight universal year*, and in 2015 February initiates a new cycle on the universal calendar. The last days of January, with the Nine energy it has brought, will let us finish off, or simply release, some of the long-term energy drains that have been around ...

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2015, January: Incalculably Good

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, December 31, 2014, In : Numerology 
2015, January: Incalculably Good

     It is as well, I think, that when the numerological vibrations make the drastic change from one year to another, that we get a day to adjust. The Ones of January First provide support for new beginnings, for the resolutions that might result in behavioural changes, and for considering possible ways to enhance the lives we lead.
     This year, 2015, we will have twelve months under the umbrella of the energy which is the Number Eight, because 2+0+1+5=8. No ...

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Colour Your Thinking (and Wardrobe)

Posted by Jo Leath on Tuesday, December 2, 2014, In : Numerology 
Colour Your Thinking (and Wardrobe)

     Numerology is a simplified way to connect with, understand, and utilize the natural vibrations that surround life on earth. Number energy is as present and as necessary as oxygen in the air: and it affects our lives whether or not we are aware of it. When we engage and consciously use the vibrations to benefit our growth and development, resistance diminishes, and life feels a little more smooth.
     Our modern understanding of physics and astrophysics...

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December Energies will help us to Grow in Spirit

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, November 26, 2014, In : Numerology 
December Energies will help us to Grow in Spirit

     We are reaching the close of a Seven universal year*, and 2014 continues to expose and disclose many Spiritual possibilities.
     December carries a One vibration which will allow new ideas to manifest. Each of us will be inspired. We can choose to act or not: that is one of the gifts of the human experience. This particular One, with the instigation-potential that it holds, is ideally designed for experimentation.
     January will vibrate...

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November Gifts

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, October 29, 2014, In : Numerology 
November Gifts

See below to calculate your Personal Year Number for 2014**

     In the cycle of Numbers, Seven and Nine are the two which draw Spiritual energy into the physical realm.
     2014 is a Seven universal year*, and November will bring Nine energy into our days. We can anticipate opportunities for expansion and understanding on the Spiritual plane.
     When Nine energy presents itself, we reach completions in some parts of life, and are able to release old or stagnant energies in or...

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Clues for the Year Ahead

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, October 1, 2014, In : Numerology 
Clues for the Year Ahead

See below to calculate your Personal Year Number for 2014***

     We are in a Seven universal year*, and 2014 continues to expose and disclose Spiritual possibilities which are present in the Spiritual plane where the energies of the Number Seven vibrate.
     2015 will see us move into Eight energy** which is also very Spiritual and engages the mental plane.
     October vibrates with Eight, and it will reveal the kinds of pathways which will call us forward over the n...

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Balancing Balance

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, September 24, 2014, In : The Miracle of Physical Life 
Balancing Balance

      The search for balance is a part of life in the Millennium.
     This week Northern Hemisphere is crossing the Autumnal Equinox, and as the north enjoys the festival of Mabon, south of the equator this is Ostara. Many people acknowledge the day: memes scroll across social media, and inspirational slogans about balance show up in emails, tweets and blogs. Mine is no exception.
     Solstices have an air of the radical about them. In December and June they indicate massivel...

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Mindfulness in All the Planes of Being

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, September 10, 2014, In : Mindfulness 
Mindfulness in All the Planes of Being

     September 12 is Mindfulness Day. It is a day when pausing in the rush of life can be made a priority. If you have a regular practice this is a special day; if the idea is new to you, rest assured it is simple and holds many benefits.
     When learning Mindfulness, the method most easily successful is through paying attention to breathing. Finding the focus for mindful breathing may not always be obvious. The four planes of being, as illuminated in a ...

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Stepping Out of Limitation

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, August 20, 2014, In : The Miracle of Physical Life 
Stepping Out of Limitation

     The dimension in which we live is one of expansion and growth and change.
     The origin of this physical universe is explained as a blossoming from the small to the large. The stories, myths and theories take various forms and flavours, and none suggests that completion has been achieved.
     We may believe that an elephant called the world into being by trumpeting the first Aum; that in the beginning God created both the heavens and the earth; that father-sky...

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Aligning Yourself with August

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, July 30, 2014, In : Numerology 
Aligning Yourself with August

        To calculate your Personal Year number, see the instructions at the end of this post.

     The Number Cycle is like the mythical Wheel of Fortune. As it turns, life moves forward and when a revolution completes, the cycle starts again. We are changed by what we experience during the rotation, and the next turn of the wheel offers possibilities to navigate similar circumstances with our new perspectives.
     The extreme Seven energy of July has been a cha...

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Three days for learning

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, July 9, 2014, In : Numerology 
Three Days for Learning.
     Whether or not we know the details of our personal Numerology chart, we are affected by the numbers of the calendar. When the number value of the day, month and year are all the same, it is time to look at where we stand on the path of life.
     This is a rare and special event, and a time when Life Intentions will present themselves if we are willing to see them.
2014 is vibrating with Seven energy (2+0+1+4=7); July always carries a Seven, and on the 7th, 16th...

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July, and my Obsession with Seven Energy

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, July 2, 2014, In : Numerology 
July, and my Obsession with Seven Energy

     2014 carries the vibration of Seven energy.
     July is the seventh month, multiplying that vibration. During this month, there will be three days which magnify it yet again: the 7th, 16th and 25th. There are the only three days this year when the day, month and year express the same number.
     There are a limited few calculations in a numerology chart which require the subtraction of numbers. Days like the 7th of this July are days of particular ...

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July: Spirit and Growth

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, June 25, 2014, In : Numerology 
July: Spirit and Growth

    2014 continues to deliver Spiritual energy to the world, in the form of a Seven vibration.*
    The natural Seven of July intensifies that Seven vibration, and adds a Five for growth and change within the context of Spiritual Seven.
    No matter where you are in your personal Number Cycle, July will provide growth and change that will progress you along the Spiritual path you laid out for yourself before you ever returned to the Human Condition.
    To calculate you...

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Cue the Spiritual Sevens.

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, June 11, 2014, In : Numerology 
Cue the Spiritual Sevens.

      As a child I was good at remembering birthdays and anniversaries, although there was one that I confused consistently. My maternal grandparents were married on April 21st, 1926, and I often wrongly remembered it as April 26th. It is not difficult to see how the numbers of the day and the year might transpose in my childish memory.
     It felt very correct and orderly when, decades later, I met my late partner, who had been born on April 26th. I felt as though ...
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Surrounded by Sevens.

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, May 7, 2014, In : Numerology 

Surrounded by Sevens.

     Although I do my best to be aware of the Seven energy which is present for all of 2014,** once in a while something reminds me quite forcefully of the massive spiritual power that Seven energy carries.
     I am in a Two personal year, and thus May is my personal month with a Seven vibration**. While I know from experience that the important lessons I am granted this month will be most apparent in retrospect, I am on the look-out for growth opportunities.
     The pow...

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Merry Numbers for May

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, April 30, 2014, In : Numerology 
Merry Numbers for May

     Where I am living, the April showers were often snow, and May flowers are reticent to show themselves. Even so, that amazing alchemy is underway: sunlight and rainfall are animating the vast population of plants and shrubs and trees and flowers that make up the base of the planetary Living Layer. Plants are drawing energy from the skies, and nutrients from the earth. They embody the connexion between life and creativity: a perfect example of Three energy. 
     We ar...

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Spring No, Vibrations Yes!

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, April 2, 2014, In : Numerology 
Spring No, Vibrations Yes!
     One of the local forecasts says I will see snow today here in the Ottawa region. Ack! I am not at all sure that I want the Two energy of April to be about my relationship with winter weather!
     March started us off in a new cycle of the Numbers, and April offers the chance to develop new connexions to travel with us through the rest of the year.
     In this Seven year (2+0+1+4=7), April adds a practical Four to the Spiritual Seven, and we are accorded a m...

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The Vibes of March

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, February 26, 2014, In : Numerology 
The Vibes of March

     As February concludes a long cycle of months, we can close the door on the burdens we have been carrying, and have faith that March will open some very interesting windows.
     In this Seven year (2+0+1+4=7), March adds a creative Three to the Spiritual Seven, and we are granted a month to live in the energetic new beginnings of the One vibration (7+3+10, and 1+0=1)
     We are all beginning a phase of creative Spiritual expression!
     To understand even more about wh...

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February vibe

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, February 5, 2014, In : Numerology 
February Vibe

     Just as white light contains all the colours of the spectrum, and agape love can refract into the various loves we lavish on our children and lovers and friends and others, so Nine energy -- which is vibrating in February 2014 -- contains all the energies of the other digits alongside a reminder that anything other than Oneness and Wholeness is an illusion.
     This month we are ending an eleven month cycle which began last April, and when we are aligned with the Cosmic supp...
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The Structure Under My Life

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, July 17, 2013, In : Numerology 
The Structure Under My Life

     I frequently speak with my clients about the “structure” that underlies life. Most often I am talking about Numerology charts, and how it is possible to decode some of the structures and intentions that we built in to our names and dates. At other times, I use the word during discussions about synchronicity, and how we can access structural information by allowing it into our awareness.
     When I talk about the structure underlying life, I do not mean a te...
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July Four (no, not the fourth!)

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, July 3, 2013, In : Numerology 

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A New Audience for Reiki.

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, June 19, 2013, In : Energy Fields 
 A New Audience for Reiki.

     Reiki (ray’-kee) is a practice in which spiritual energy is transmitted from the Unseen dimension into the physical realm. It has recently been brought to the consciousness of millions of people who might never have heard of it.
     Dr. Mehmet Oz, cardio-thoracic surgeon and television personality, recently discussed the broad spectrum of available treatment options. He said “I’ve worked and trained in some of the finest medical schools and hospitals in th...
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Accessing Synchronicity

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, May 15, 2013, In : Synchronicity 

Accessing Synchronicity
     Accessing Synchronicity is a name for finding a way to connect with the wisdom that exists within.
     I believe that each of us is a spiritual being, currently experiencing the human dimension.
     Our Spiritual aspect is immortal, and can access wisdom and memories and truths that are simply too great to fit into our puny little brains.
     For our brains, however, to gain entry to that body of wisdom we need maps and methods and shortcuts.
     For some, the qui...
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I had a birthday last week

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, April 3, 2013, In : Numerology 
     I had a birthday last week.

        Since my birthday I am adjusting to using a new number for the years I have spent here so far, I also have shifted in a cycle on my Numerology Chart.
     Many numbers on a numerology chart change with the calendar year, but one is particularly attached to the current age.
     With my recent birthday, my age-connected vibration shifted from Five to Seven.
     The Five came to me in March of 2012. It was a Five Universal year, so it is no surprise that my...
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Numbers. Reiki. Quantum Particle Waves?

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, November 28, 2012, In : Numerology 
I began practicing Numerology back in the early 1980s, when I was living in Kamloops B.C. According to Numerology is ‘the study of numbers, normally based upon the premise that numbers can reveal the future or hidden information. ‘

Numerology found me. I was in my car with a call-in radio show playing. People were phoning in with their dates-of-birth, and the studio guest was giving them brief personality outlines. The callers expressed amazement at his accuracy, and I knew I n...

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Five is the Only Constant.

Posted by Jo Leath on Wednesday, November 14, 2012, In : Numerology 

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2012 My Year in Numbers

Posted by Joy Leath on Wednesday, October 31, 2012, In : Numerology 
     2012 has Five vibration. I have written and talked about that a lot this year.
2+0+1+2=5, and Five is the Number of growth and change and adaptation. Five carries transformation

     There is talk of The Shift. There are discussions of the end of the Mayan Calendar.

     I am fortunate that in my world, people are very consciously finding ways to move society into a new plane that honours more fully the multi-dimensional nature of the universe.

     I think everyone I know has changed this y...
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Journey Into Alignment

Jo Leath Jo Leath has been practising Numerology since the early 1980s. During her career she has studied synchronicity and various ways of accessing Cosmic Wisdom. She is a Certified Labyrinth Facilitator with Veriditas: Worldwide Labyrinth Project. Jo meets clients in person and online, and is sometimes a featured reader at metaphysical stores in various cities.


"roman krznaric” “christel broederlow” seven two april 2014 11:11 1950s 1960s 1990s 2000s 2015” 2020s abraham abuse adjust adoption affluence agape age agency air akashic alignment allow ancestors angel angelou angels animal anjana anticipation appearance april archive aristotle arrogance aston astrology athena attempts attention auguries august aura auspicious authentic authenticity autumn awake awaken awakening awareness babylonian backstory bad balance base beans becoming beginning being” bereavement binary bliss body book books bowie breadcrumbs breath breathe breathing bryson building bully burke calendar candlemas candles capstone card cards cartouche celebrate celebration chakras challenge change change is the only constant channel chart chi chickadee children chinese chinese new year choice choose choquash chose christmas cipher circle circle” claircognizance clarity clearing climb clutter coins collaborate colour community compassion compatibility completion complex concept conch conclusions conduit conformity connexion consent consumerism contact container continents contract contrast conversation cooperative coping cornerstone corona cosmic cosmic energy cosmic frequency cosmic vibration couples covid covid19 crate creative cropper crystals curmudgeon cycle cycles cycle” dalailama dancing dark darkness day day” decay december decision deck deepself deer dennis lewis design desire destiny dialogue diana direction disintegration distantreiki diversity doe download download” dream duncan dung durga dyer earth earthday earthing easy egg eggmode eight electromagnetic elements elephant eleven embrace emotion emotional emotions emoto” empath empathetic empathic empathy encounter energy equinox equionx eros everyday excuses exhale expand expansion expectation experience experience” expression expression” extrovert eyes facets faeries failure fairy family father faucet fear fears february february 2 feedback feeling feelings feminine festival field field” finger fire five flow focus force forecast forget fortune foundation four fraction frame freedoms frequency frost futile future ganesha geese generalist geology germinate globalvillage goddess gods good goodnight gps gratitude greenman grid groundhog growing growth grumpy h hafiz hair handheld happy hats healing health heinlein heschel hexagon hibernate higherself hindsight hindu history holiday holistic honour hope hopeful horses human iching ideas identity images imbolc individual individuality infinity information inhale injury innerself insight inspiration intensity intention intention path intentions interconnectedness interconnection interweave introvert intuition intuitive isolation iwd january jellyfish journey joust july june junojordan justicia kabatzinn karma kernel knowing knowledge kosher labyrinth labyrinths lammas laughter laundry layer” leap learning leminscate les brown letter levy life lifeforce light lily limitless limits lineartime listen litha lives loa lopez lotus love lucilleball luck lughnasadh mabon magnetic mania map march marinate masaru masham maslow mason maturing may maya meander meaning meditate meditation memory mental message midsummer millennium mindful mindfulness miracle miracles missing mitchell mobius moment” monkey mood moonstone morning mother mountain mud mugs multi-task music name-change nan's nature needle network newnormal newyear nickname nicknames nine noise normal november nuclear number numbercast numberpath numberreiki numbers numberscope numerology nurture obedient obituary objective ocean october of official one one-ness optimistic oracle oracles osho overcoming ox oxbow pandemic paradigm particle path pathos pathway pathways patience peace peak perception perfection permission personal personal development personal expression perspective philos physical pine pineal pink pink” plane planes planet plants plato play point” portal positive power practice prana prayerful prepare presence prodigy productivity progress progression psyche psychic quantum quarantine querant questions quiet quietself quotes radio raft rc reach reading readings record reflection reframe reiki reincarnation relationships relax release remember remembering renewal repeat resistance resolution resonance” resting revealed review rights risk ritual river rocks rose roses rosetti roshhashanah rudderless ruin sacred sagan santa scale scallop schedules scope sea-shells seas season seasons seeker self selfhonouring selfimage selfknowledge sensate awakening september service servive seven sewing sheldrake” shelf shift shiva showjumping sift silly simplicity six sleep smoke snow soft-eyes sol solstice sorrow sort soul sound source space specialist spectrum spirit spiritual spiritual connexion spread spring steiner” stones storge story stress subjective success sun sunshine sunstone surface symbols symphony synchronicity synchronicty synthesis systems tamlyn tap tarot teacher teachers teaching teachings tesla thankful thanks thanksgiving the shift theatre wakefield theme theremin thinking third-eye thoughts thread three time time space timing tolstoy totem trans transition tree trees triple trust tuning twelve two unfolding uni-task unity universe unlimited unseen uplifted usui valentine vibration vibrations view vision voice vowel waiting walk walking water waynedyer weather website weekdays wheel wholenewmind willendorf wind winter wisdom wld wobble wonder work year year of the horse year” yellow youth yule zoom zukav “daniel “dr. “energy “heart “living “morphic “peak “personal “planes “plans “quantum “rupert “spiritual “sun “tej “tipping “world 8 1000 1915 2000 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022