The Vibes of March

     As February concludes a long cycle of months, we can close the door on the burdens we have been carrying, and have faith that March will open some very interesting windows.
     In this Seven year (2+0+1+4=7), March adds a creative Three to the Spiritual Seven, and we are granted a month to live in the energetic new beginnings of the One vibration (7+3+10, and 1+0=1)
     We are all beginning a phase of creative Spiritual expression!
     To understand even more about where you might be called to work in March, there is the additional frequency related to your Personal Year.
A simple calculation will lead you to find your Personal Year Number.
Add the number of the Day you were born, to the number of the month you were born, and then add Seven. Keep adding until you have only one digit.
For example: my birthday is 28 March, so I add 2+8 = 10, and   1+0 = 1
                                           March is the third month, and I add the       3
                                                                 2+0+1+4=7 so I add the        7
                                                                               1+3+7 = 11, and 1+1=2:
I am in a Two Personal Year during 2014.

If you were born on the 27 February, you would add 9+2+7= Nine for a Personal Year number.
26 April 8+4+7= One;
7 June 7+6+7= Two ;
25 October 7+1+7 = Six;
2 July  is 2+7+7 = Eight
And so it goes.

     If you are currently in a One Personal Year, this March will be a good time to attend to practical considerations. Deal with any bureaucratic business that is hanging over you; ensure that all your preparation is made before launching a new project or product.
     If you are currently in a Two Personal Year, March will bring changes, maybe even a chance to travel. Do not get stuck or closed about what is possible. Grab for exciting opportunities, no matter how unexpected they may be.
     If this is your Three Personal Year, the coming month may ask you to take on new responsibilities. See the growth that they contain, for there will be benefits so long as you don’t frame them as unpleasant duties.
     If 2014 is your Four Personal Year situations might arise that are less than warm and fuzzy. Western society often suggests that every path should be smooth and clear and easy. I am not convinced that *easy* is the route through Human Life. In your Four year, March may be the time of greatest Soul-growth.   
     If you are currently in a Five Personal Year, this March will be one of finding new ways to connect with all that you want and need. Your financial vibration is positive, and your ability to connect with Spirit is enhanced.   
     In a Six Personal Year March will bring conclusions. Endings get a lot of bad press, our society is much about attachment.  If you have been neglecting a manuscript … haul it out and let the vibe flow until it is done. Nine can end an addiction, a bad attitude, or an unhappy circumstance. Most importantly, Nine clears away the old to make room for the new.
     A Seven Personal Year in a Seven calendar year means that you are very aligned with the calendar. March vibrates with One for you, as it does globally. For you, however, the intensification of the double One means you will not be happy unless you are initiating something original and innovative. Don’t hold back!
     If you are presently living an Eight Personal Year, March will bring new people and relationships into your days. This may be very literal and you meet an important teacher with whom you have a Sacred Contract. You might re-negotiate your relationship with people in your life, or with the Unseen. March will change how you are, and who you are.
     A Nine Personal Year can celebrate March as a time of creativity and novelty. Ideas and inspired thinking are yours! The activities and tasks that are completing in your Nine year will receive an infusion of creativity. If you are not feeling connected to inspiration, carve out a few minutes for meditation or silent, listening prayer. What you need already exists.

     Jo Leath has been supporting clients through change and growth since the 1980s.
     For a consultation, in person or by Skype click here
     For a free printable labyrinth click here