     According to the International Center for Reiki Training, Reiki is  "a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is ... based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive.
     If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy."

     Jo Leath has been practicing practicing Numerology since 1983, and Number Reiki since 2008. She is available for personal appointments in the Wakefield--LaPeche area, just north of Ottawa, and for distance sessions anywhere.

Number Reiki. In Person or Distance Session

$ 95.00 CAD

45 minutes.

By Appointment Only.

We all live in the Energy Field of Mother Planet, and so it is possible to conduct energy work from any geography, simply by entering the unified field.

Personal Sessions are held in the Wakefield -- Ottawa area.

The recipient of Distance Reiki should be resting and comfortable at the time of the session.

Five for Four Reiki Sessions

$ 380 CAD

Special price available until September 30, 2015.

Sessions to be used by March 1, 2016

Number Training for Reiki Practitioners

$ 297.00 CAD

Full day training session [Five hours plus communal lunch and social time].

Reiki Master Jo Leath will teach attuned practitioners how to use the specific vibrations of the Numbers in their Reiki sessions.

The Number Cycle will be explored and explained, and practical applications will follow. Jo shares experience and insights gained while practicing Numerology since 1983, and Number Reiki since 2008.

By narrowing the range of transmitted energy frequency, profound targetted affects are made possible, and intentional application of the full spectrum of energy is enhanced.

Certificates will attest to participation.

Next sessions: Wakefield QC,